Dieback is a disease that kills our native plants. To be more precise, it is a soil borne pathogen called Phytophthora cinnamomi. (pronounced Fy-tof-thora) It was first realised in Roleystone and surrounding areas when the Jarrah trees were seen to be dying.  

Dieback has been introduced into Australia and is now recognised as a serious threat to our native flora. Volunteers are required to take on the enormous task of treating as many trees as possible in an attempt to save the local bushland. 

We now know what causes it, how it is spread and what to do to help protect our plants. So it's time to go on the offensive, but we need your help by joining the group and participating in field days. 

Field days to fight Dieback

We have fields days approximately once a month in Spring, Summer and Autumn to treat the bushland and protect it against Phytophthora Dieback.

For field day dates:

  • Check the Roleybushcare homepage in our "events" on our website.
  • Check the Roleybushcare notice board at the Roleystone Shopping Centre.
  • Check our community magazine Roleystone Courier.
  • Join our facebook page.
  • Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. asking to be added to our newsletter list.

The field days are open to anyone who would like to help. Members of Roleybushcare will teach newcomers how to treat their own bushland.

Morning tea is provided.   


Follow the links below for more information on how to stop dieback

Threat abatement plan

The Minister for the Environment, the Hon Melissa Price MP, has made the Threat abatement plan for disease in natural ecosystems caused by Phytophthora cinnamomi under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. The new plan, developed with input from Phytophthora experts and on-ground practitioners from around Australia, addresses the key threatening process Dieback caused by the root-rot fungus Phytophthora cinnamomi. It identifies actions to ensure the long-term survival of native species and ecological communities affected by Phytophthora dieback and guides investment and effort by government, researchers, land managers and other stakeholders. The plan focuses on the need for further research on the pathogen and its management options; prioritisation of assets in need of protection; and community engagement to prevent spread of the disease.

The Australian Government is required to implement the plan to the extent to which it applies in areas under its control and responsibility. In other affected areas, the successful implementation of the plan is reliant on the support and cooperation of all affected jurisdictions and the Australian community. Your interest in this important issue is appreciated.

The new plan and its background document are available on the Department of the Environment and Energy website at: Threat abatement plan for disease in natural ecosystems caused by Phytophthora cinnamomi - 2018