Here are our upcoming events...
Dieback treatment field day
Date: 9th Feb, 2025
Time: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Venue: Sylvania Park
Address: Chevin Road, Roleystone
We will be finishing off stem injecting trees susceptible to jarrah dieback in Sylvania Park. Park with great care along Chevin Road (click map for location).
Volunteers are always welcome, even if you only have an hour or two to spare.
New to dieback treatment? Then come along and learn. You can then borrow Roleybushcare’s equipment and treat trees on your own block against dieback.
Morning tea is provided.
Note: We will cancel in the event of bad weather so please check our website at 8 am on the morning or call Tim on 0431 424 199.
Sylvania Park, Chevin Road, Roleystone
9:00 am
Dieback treatment field day
Date: 9th Mar, 2025
Time: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Venue: To be advised
We will be stem injecting trees susceptible to jarrah dieback in one of Roleystone's bush reserves. The location will be advised nearer the time.
Volunteers are always welcome, even if you only have an hour or two to spare.
New to dieback treatment? Then come along and learn. You can then borrow Roleybushcare’s equipment and treat trees on your own block against dieback.
Morning tea is provided.
Note: We will cancel in the event of bad weather so please check our website at 8 am on the morning or call Tim on 0431 424 199.
To be advised,
9:00 am
Dieback treatment field day
Date: 13th Apr, 2025
Time: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Venue: To be advised
We will be stem injecting trees susceptible to jarrah dieback in a Roleystone reserve, to be advised nearer the time.
Volunteers are always welcome, even if you only have an hour or two to spare.
New to dieback treatment? Then come along and learn. You can then borrow Roleybushcare’s equipment and treat trees on your own block against dieback.
Morning tea is provided.
Note: We will cancel in the event of bad weather so please check our website at 8 am on the morning or call Tim on 0431 424 199.
To be advised,
9:00 am