Here is a list of useful website links...
The South East Regional Centre for Urban Landcare is a not for profit community group that develops and implements projects that improve the health of Perth's waterways and other ecosystems.
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City of Armadale
Armadale city's own web site. Try out their "online Mapping", find your own plot of land and your local reserve.
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Department of Fisheries WA
The Department of Fisheries, Western Australia is responsible for the sustainable development of the State's fisheries.
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Darling Range Wildlife Shelter
DRWS provides assistance to Australian native wildlife in need, including joeys and juvenile kangaroos with numerous birds, possums, bandicoots and shingleback lizards.
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Birds in Backyards
Birds in Backyards is a research, education and conservation program focusing on the birds that live where people live.
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Men of the Trees Western Australia
Trillion Trees (formerly Men of the Trees) provide support to the community about seed collecting, seed propagation, re-vegetation of the land and aftercare They also provide native tree and understorey seedlings to the community.
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Dept of Parks and Wildlife
The new department (previously known as DEC) focuses on nature conservation and the community’s enjoyment and appreciation of Western Australia’s world-class network of national and marine parks.
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Armadale Gosnells Landcare Group
The Armadale Gosnells Landcare Group operates in the Canning, Wungong and Southern River Catchments. The Team coordinates planning community action and awareness programs
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Kaarakin Black Cockatoo Recovery
This website is the home of the Kaarakin Black Cockatoo Rehabilitation Centre who Rescue, rehabilitate and release injured Black Cockatoos.
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Urban Bushland Council
The Urban Bushland Council is the peak community organisation for urban bushland recognition and protection.
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Perth Urban Bushland Fungi
Perth Urban Bushland Fungi project is a community based organisation that promotes an understanding of the roles of fungi in bushland.
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Dieback Working Group
The website of the Dieback Working Group which was formed to manage Phytophthora Dieback strategies.
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Conservation Council WA
The Conservation Council is an outspoken advocate of environmental protection. They inform the public and governments on key environmental issues and participate in government and community processes that seek to restore and protect the natural environment.
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Zero Waste
Interesting site with loads of information about waste disposal/recylcing.
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A comprehensive website about dieback thoughout Western Australia
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Beyond Zero Emissions
Their core goal is to develop blueprints for the implementation of climate change solutions that will rapidly reduce emissions and give our society and global ecosystems a chance of surviving into the future.
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West Australian Native Orchid Study and Conservation Group
The Society promotes Western Australian indigenous orchids.
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Carbon Neutral
Carbon Neutral (CN) is a Western Australian based program linked to the Men of the Trees organization. You can go on-line and calculate your emissions using GHG-Energy Calc and pay CN to offset your emissions by planting trees.
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Wildflower Society of WA
The Society aims to understand our native plants, to share information on how to recognise them, to protect the bushland in which they grow; and to propagate and grow them.
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Wildlife Education Services
Wildlife Education Services is an independent education service dedicated to educating the children and public on the Wildlife and environment of Western Australia.
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Birds Australia
Birds Australia generate and share knowledge about birds and their habitats.
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Aussie Bee
The Australian Native Bee Research Centre's website. It publishes information booklets, a field guide, a video and other products to distribute information on all native bee species to the Australian public and help ensure the bees' survival in Australia.
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A website that helps map feral animals in your area. You can record sightings and print a map of your local area.
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Nearer to Nature
Nature-based activities in and around Perth. The Department of Environment and Conservation's Nearer to Nature team provides the community with unique, enjoyable activities that help participants discover marvellous natural areas in and around Perth.
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This site has all the information you need about Western Australian frogs.
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This is a website that has authoritative scientific information on flora in Western Australia, including maps, images, descriptions, specimen, and nomenclatural information.
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Living Smart
Living Smart is a multi-week course which provides participants with the practical knowledge and skills to live more sustainably.
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Cockatoo Care
Cockatoo Care was introduced in September 2001 as a joint initiative of the Water Corporation and the Western Australian Museum.
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Weeds in Australia
The Weeds in Australia web site brings together information on weeds and weeds management at the national level, and is your connection with weed activity in Australia.
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Fishing for Phytophthora
Murdoch University's 'Fishing for Phytophthora' project catalogues what Phytophthora species are present in Western Australia’s waterways including rivers, streams, dams and estuaries.
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Kanyana Wildlife Rehibilitation Centre
Kanyana Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre (Incorporated) is a not-for-profit organisation committed to the protection and welfare of native wildlife.
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Green Skills Inc.
Green Skills is a not-for-profit organisation that developes and manages environmental projects that assist our regional and metropolitan communities to effectively implement a vision for a sustainable future
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Centre of Excellence for Climate Change Woodland & Forest Health
Their primary concern is the premature decline of many of our important trees species throughout Western Australia.
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Cockatoos Need You
This Website has an online petition. Our cockatoos are in crisis and numbers have been declining when compared with a big survey done in 2006.
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WasteNet is managed by the Municipal Waste Advisory Council, a standing committee of the Western Australian Local Government Association with delegated authority to represent the Association in all matters relating to solid waste management.
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FOTE is a not-for-profit multidisciplinary organisation dedicated to supporting the teaching of environmental, cultural and social sustainability.
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The Story of Stuff
The Story of Stuff community’s involvement in strategic efforts to build a more sustainable and just world. Useful videos for teachers.
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Australian Marine Conservation Society
The Australian Marine Conservation Society (AMCS) is the voice for Australia's oceans. They work on behalf of the community to protect our ocean wildlife, make our fisheries sustainable and create places in the sea where our precious ocean animals are safe from harm.
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Turtle Oblonga Rescue & Rehabilition Network
This Group rescues and rehabilitates sick or injured oblong turtles,provides community information,training for wildlife rehabilitators and consultancy services for the community of Western Australia.
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Birdlife Australia
BirdLife Australia is the place for everyone to gather together, be a united force and work towards a sustainable future for our beloved Australian birds. BirdLife Australia was created in 2012 from the merger of Birds Australia & Bird Observation
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This website and database contains information on vertebrate pest animal species in Australia and New Zealand.
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World Environment Day
World Environment Day is held each year on June 5. It is one of the principal vehicles through which the United Nations (UN) stimulates worldwide awareness of the environment and enhances political attention and action.
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