Searching for a Snottygobble Solution (Pursuit of Persoonias in pantyhose)
Snottygobble trees are well-loved small trees that are widespread in and around Roleystone and arragullen. Unfortunately, many are dying and they are not being replaced naturally.
Roleybushcare is very keen to replace them but Snottygobbles cannot be bought from nurseries. The seeds are extremely difficult to germinate. However, research by Kings Park and Alcoa suggests that the fruit need to be 'aged' in soil before they will germinate. Roleybushcare is now carrying out its own experiments - as seen below:
Now we wait to see if the fruit will germinate...but we need to be patient - could be 1,2 or 3 years. When they germinate the Snottygobble seedlings will be re-established in our local bushland reserves