The Roleystone shopping centre was overflowing with native plants on Saturday 9 June when we had our annual plant sale.
We had 22 trays of different plants, with a tray of what were thought to be dieback resistant jarrah seedlings as freebies for anyone that had a larger block with room for a jarrah tree or two.
It was lovely to see everyone looking for new native plants for their gardens and having a chance to talk to people about the plants. We still have a few trays of plants left and will be holding smaller plant sale on Saturday, 21 July at the Roleystone shopping centre. We will be open for business from 10 am.
The photo below shows Janice minding the cash box while Tim, John and Ian were trying to look busy selling plants.
The Armadale Gosnells Landcare Group (AGLG) received funding to revegetate riverbanks and bushland in the Cities of Armadale and Gosnells and are holding a series of community planting days in Armadale and Gosnells. They started with sites in Kelmscott, Gosnells and Kenwick in June and in early July will be in Roleystone. Roleybushcare will be working with AGLG on Sunday 8 July to plant along the Canning River Trail, between Thomson Road and Heritage Drive. Volunteers are welcome to help with the planting of plant species native to the area.