
We can be contacted in the following ways:

Website:        www.roleybushcare.com.au
Email:            This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Facebook:     https://www.facebook.com/roleybushcare

Tim Lardner
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Lee Hassan
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Ian Hafekost
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Chris Ranger
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Volunteer Co-ordinator
Diane Horgan
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Education Officer
Mady Colquhoun
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Chris Horgan
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Equipment Officer
John Leishman
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Roleybushcare Flora Database
Lee Hassan
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Have you come across a bush-friendly contractor or product?

If you pick any contractor out of the yellow pages, be warned, you run a high risk that they will not understand the sensitivities of a bush block and can do irreparable damage. You could risk losing 100's of years worth of native growth.  So to help, we have started to compile a list of contractors who have a reputation for being sensitive to the bush in our area, plus a list of products that help protect your bush block.

Please share your experiences with us, email so we can post more bush- friendly products and services up.

Disclaimer: The Services and Products referred to on this page are for indicative purposes. Roleybushcare is not directly associated with these products and services, and is thus are not responsible for the quality of work, products or consequential losses.

Wildlife Shelters

Darling Range Wildlife Shelter
Phone: 9394 0885

Kanyana Wildlife
Phone: 9291 3900

 Commercial Dieback Treatment Service

Glevan Consulting
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: 1300 453 826
Manager: Liam Brown 0477 799 955

Dieback Treatment Kit for Hire in Roleystone

Roleystone Hardware
Roleystone Shopping Centre
Shop 17-21 Jarrah Road
Roleystone, WA 6111
Phone: 08 9397 5643
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 Dieback Treatment Fluid (Phosphite)

You can buy smaller containers of phosphite in most hardware stores but if you have a large property, it would  pay you to buy in bulk. Also  this larger size is using the higher strength and so it will go a long way. If you have a smaller property but have neighbours who also want to treat their bushland, then work together, buy your Phosphite in bulk and share the cost. We suggest you ring first and make sure they have the chemical in stock.

Roleystone Hardware
Shop 17, 21 Jarrah Road
Roleystone, WA, 6111
Phone: (08) 9397 5643
They sell Phosphite in smaller containers with a  lower strength.

Synertrol Oil for spraying

Roleystone Hardware
Shop 17, 21 Jarrah Road
Roleystone, WA, 6111
Phone: (08) 9397 5643
They sell Synertrol Oil in smaller containers.

Dieback Injectors - Syringes

Glevan Consulting
Website http://www.glevan.com.au/
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: 1300 453 826
Manager: Liam Brown 0477 799 955

Chemjet  Trading Pty Ltd
Order them online

Accredited Native Nurseries

Click here for a list of nurseries or go to the Nursery and Garden Industry Association's website www.ngiwa.com.au

Cat Bib

If you have a cat, buy a bib to save the native wildlife in your area. Order online at www.catbib.com.au


Dieback ‘Dos' when building a house on a bush block

There are many great bush blocks for sale in Roleystone. Many look very healthy with little or no evidence of dieback disease - some have hordes of healthy Banksias, a sure sign that the dieback pathogen is absent. The aim of the purchasers of these blocks must surely be to build their house and keep the surrounding bush healthy.....and it can be done if the building project is planned well and the following ‘Dos' are applied.


  • Construct the track to your pad in a way that will not direct water into the bushland.
  • Try to schedule activities that involve soil disturbance for low rainfall months when the soil is dry.
  • Minimise soil disturbance - keep machinery and vehicles out of the bushland.
  • Clean the soil off bobcats and other vehicles that enter the block.
  • You may feel silly asking the operator to brush or wash his bobcat but it is important if you want to retain your bushland.
  • Use mains water - not water from streams or dams.
  • Use fill material that has come from a non-dieback area.
  • Consider building a pole home - this will minimise soil disturbance and the need for fill.
  • Treat your vegetation with ‘phosphite' before starting the site works - this will increase the resistance of the plants to any dieback spores that do get through to the roots. 
  • Buy your garden plants from Nursery Industry Accreditation Scheme Australia (NIASA) nurseries - many nurseries, even major ones, do not use intensive hygiene methods during production. See Nursery Warning for details.
  • Ensure that drainage does not enter your property from other areas e.g. roads, neighbours property.
  • Mow, slash or herbicide your firebreaks rather than ploughing or grading. If they need to be ploughed or graded then ensure that the machine is free of soil and mud.

So what should you do if your bush block does have dieback?

Your aim in this case is to have minimal impact of dieback on the vegetation, especially the Jarrah trees. The critical instruction is ‘do not wet up the site'. Jarrah does not like ‘getting its feet wet'. Dieback spores love wet conditions.

If your block is reasonably healthy then you should also abide by the ‘Dos' given above, but the most important one is to ensure that drainage water (from roofs, roads, driveways etc) does not end up in the bush you want to keep.


This Page is only for Roleybushcare Administrators.

 Be wise when selecting plants and nurseries!

Roleybushcare (Alias the Roleystone Dieback Action Group) encourages you to be ‘dieback wise' when selecting where you buy the plants for your garden. Nurseries with poor hygiene are known to sell plants with Phytophthora in the soil. Phytophthora is a group of pathogens that cause dieback and other plant diseases.

What should you do before buying plants?

Ask if the nursery is accredited with using hygiene measures that minimise the risk of having pathogens present, especially the dieback pathogen.

You can also check  Nursery and Garden Industry Australia for a list of accredited nurseries NGIA website  or go to our Native Plant Nurseries List.

Tell-tale Signs

If the nursery or garden centre has pots displayed by sitting them on a hard surface on the ground then beware; this is a tell tale sign that inappropriate methods are being used. The pots should be on mesh-type tables or on a freely draining surface such as blue metal. The dieback spores are microscopic and move around in water. If the plants are sitting on concrete then water will transport the disease from plant to plant. Nurseries can use the same chemical as Roleybushcare to save plants from dieback - but the dieback spores are not killed in the potting mix.

Plants from accredited nurseries may be more expensive but what value do you put on the 25 m tall jarrahs in your garden that are put at risk from the infected potting mix???